HUESKER Group launches Fortrac T eco PET recycled yarn geogrid
March 8th, 2021
HUESKER Group announced that the Fortrac T geogrid is now available in the ecoLine version. The flexible, resilient geogrid for reinforced soil structures is made from 100% recycled polyester (PET) yarns. The company had previously introduced another product in the ecoLine, HaTelit C eco asphalt reinforcement, also made from recycled PET yarns. By dispensing with […]
Ground improvements using geofoam: A case history
October 14th, 2020
By Javaid M. Alvi, Ph.D., and Jahangir J. Kabir, Ph.D., P.E The project site is a triangular-shaped property located at the intersection of Raleigh Avenue and West Liberty Avenue in the Borough of Dormont, Allegheny County, Pa. (Figure 1). The site housed two Nissan buildings, one with a showroom at the top floor and the […]
A geosynthetic wrap-face vegetated wall system
October 1st, 2020
For highway embankment construction By Stanley M. Miller and Drew Loizeaux A recent creek enhancement project to facilitate the passage of bull trout in Pend Oreille County of northeastern Washington state required removal of a 6-foot (1.8-m) diameter concrete culvert (Figure 1), realignment of a well-traveled county road and a new 58-foot (17.7-m) span bridge. […]
Innovative geosynthetic solution saves 106-year-old Panama Canal structures
August 1st, 2020
By Tom Stephens and Nicolas Ruiz FIGURE 1 Preparing to place a 65-cubic-yard (50-m3) geotextile bag container into 66 feet (20 m) of water at the Gatun Locks dividing wall The Panama Canal opened for business 106 years ago and was hailed as the eighth wonder of the world and an engineering marvel. It has […]
U.S. Bank Stadium geosynthetic reinforced stress relief wall
February 1st, 2020
Design, construction and fire damage mitigation By Nathan M. Lichty, Stephan M. Gale and Timothy P. Bendell Demolition of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome stadium in Minneapolis, Minn., occurred in 2014 and subsequent construction of U.S. Bank Stadium (Figure 1), the home of the Minnesota Vikings and host of the 2018 Super Bowl, occurred between […]
Overcoming expansive soils with Tensar’s TriAx Geogrid
November 13th, 2019
Expansion: it’s a win for communities when roads reach out and connect people to business, resources and formerly rural areas. But another form of expansion—soil that expands when water is added and shrinks when it dries out—can thwart this progress by making it hard to economically build and maintain long-lasting roads. “Expansive soil” is in […]
April 1st, 2019
GMA honors U.S. senator as ‘leader of the year’ The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) honored Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D–R.I., with the GMA Leader of the Year Award during the fall Lobby Day in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 14, 2018. “I’m honored to be recognized in this way by the Geosynthetic Materials Association,” Sen. Whitehouse said, […]
Tenax presents GRAVEL LOCK, a composite for retaining gravel
March 21st, 2019
Italian company Tenax’s new product GRAVEL LOCK is a geocomposite made up of a cuspated, rolled high-density polyethylene geogrid coupled with a polypropylene nonwoven fabric. It is ideal for creating draining and stable gravel floors for pedestrian and vehicular passage, the shape in rolls and the reduced amount of gravel required for filling (less than […]
Highway deep-patch geogrid applications
June 1st, 2018
Deep patch is a repair technique that has been widely used on low-volume roads in the Pacific Northwest as a cost-effective mitigation technique to address settlement and shallow landsliding of side-cast embankment fill slopes and natural slopes consisting of weak soils overlying stronger soils (Cuelho et al. 2012). A deep patch consists of a subexcavation […]
Geogrid study initiative wins Center for Transportation Research Award
March 15th, 2018
The University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) selected Tensar International and its partners the winners of the 2018 CTS Research Partnership Award for their work on geogrid usage in paved road infrastructure, Tensar International said in a press release. The award recognizes a new pavement design and analysis tool, which enables geogrid benefits […]