USDOT launches BUILD Transportation program and announces $1.5 billion Notice of Funding Opportunity
April 30th, 2018
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) on April 25, 2018, published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to apply for $1.5 billion in discretionary grant funding through the Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Discretionary Grants program. USDOT said, BUILD Transportation grants replace the preexisting Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program. […]
NHI hosting course on earth retaining structures in New Mexico and California
April 30th, 2018
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Highway Institute (NHI) will host a three-day instructor-led course on earth retaining structures twice this summer, in Sacramento, California, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. The course (Course Number FHWA-NHI-132036) will provide state-of-the-practice design tools and construction techniques to expand implementation of safe and cost-effective earth retention technologies, NHI said. […]
FHWA and AASHTO open nominations for 2018 STIC Excellence Award
April 27th, 2018
Nominations for the 2018 State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) Excellence Award are open now through July 1, 2018, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Center for Accelerating Innovation (CAI) announced. CAI partners with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Innovation Initiative on the award, which recognizes STICs that have achieved significant results […]
HUESKER releases video on SoilTain geotextile tubes for dewatering
April 26th, 2018
HUESKER Group made public a YouTube video on the company’s SoilTain geotextile tubes for high-flow dewatering of waterlogged sediments and residues from mines, industrial plants, construction sites and sewage works, applications, the company said, that are often expensive and labor intensive if dewatering is not undertaken. The SoilTain dewatering tube is a technical textile containment […]
GSI hosts webinar on MSE structure inspection
April 25th, 2018
The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will sponsor a webinar entitled “Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall, Berm and Slope Construction Inspection,” on May 9, 2018, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT. The inspection and monitoring of MSE wall, berm and slope construction using geosynthetic reinforcement is essential for providing a safe, durable system. Such inspection includes […]
Fair trade: imports, tariffs and the textile industry
April 24th, 2018
In August 2017, the President formally instructed the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) to determine whether to launch a 301 investigation of "laws, policies, practices, or actions of the Government of China that may be unreasonable or discriminatory and that may be harming American intellectual property rights, innovation, or technology development." After deciding […]
2019 IECA Annual Conference issues call for abstracts
April 24th, 2018
The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) is now accepting abstracts for the IECA Annual Conference, Feb. 19–22, 2019, in Denver, Colorado, the association said in an April 20, 2018, press release. IECA said it is accepting abstracts for sessions including case studies, technical papers, workshops, industry roundtables, fireside chats, Mountain States-related sessions, posters, product case […]
FHWA accepting grant applications for advanced transportation technologies
April 23rd, 2018
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced April 18, 2018, it is accepting applications for grants from a pool of up to $60 million in federal funding under the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The grants will be made to eligible entities to develop model deployment sites for large-scale installation […]
IFAI names Schiffman new president and CEO
April 20th, 2018
The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) has named Steve Schiffman, the association’s vice president of media and sales, the new president and CEO of IFAI. He will replace Mary Hennessy, who is retiring June 1, 2018, after holding the position for the last six years. Schiffman had a long and successful career in publishing before […]
IFAI signs representation agreement with BCH in India
April 19th, 2018
On April 19, 2018, the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) announced the signing of an agreement with Business Co-ordination House (BCH) in New Delhi to provide representation for IFAI in India. “We believe BCH is uniquely positioned to help IFAI expand the opportunities for our organization with the emerging Indian market for technical textiles,” said Mary […]