More good news for ATA members
October 1st, 2023
As most of you know, Geosynthetics magazine is a publication of the Advanced Textiles Association (ATA)—a member-owned, member-driven trade association representing the specialty fabrics and technical textiles industry to provide members with relevant information, sourcing solutions and networking opportunities to sustain and grow their businesses. Last issue, we announced that ATA launched a redesigned website […]
Crimping prefabricated vertical drains
October 1st, 2023
Q: Can you enlighten me of any work related to the crimping of prefabricated vertical drains (PVD) as a result of soil consolidation and settlement of harbor sludge or dredge spoil? We are anticipating 3 feet (1 m) of settlement in 30 feet (10 m) of sediment (sludge/spoil). A: I would recommend the following two […]
Geotextiles traceability
October 1st, 2023
Q: We are having a problem with traceability on our project with geotextiles. Does this really matter for each roll and lot of material? A: Yes, it does. The labels must match inside and outside of the product. Insist that the geotextile itself is branded and conforms to ASTM D4873 Standard Guide for Identification, Storage […]
Septic system drain fields
October 1st, 2023
Q: Should I sock the perforated pipe of my septic system drain field and eliminate the gravel rock/bedding around the pipe? A: Unfortunately, only socking perforated (and hopefully corrugated) pipe for a septic system drain field works for very few instances over time. We have seen it work in alluvial deposits of free-flowing sand and […]
Service life of exposed geosynthetics
October 1st, 2023
Q: Can we correlate laboratory versus outdoor weathering of geomembranes? I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter because we are getting technical challenges on this issue from regulators. A: Yes, we do this all the time. The results are location dependent based on ambient temperature and solar radiation. We have several papers on the […]
Improving geosynthetics shipping
October 1st, 2023
Q: We are having delivery problems this year and shipping has gotten much more expensive. Can you suggest how we can improve the situation? A: Geosynthetics are generally installed in the early stages of the project. If they are delayed, it can have a domino effect on the project’s timeline. Therefore, work in advance and pick […]
Geotextile characteristics
October 1st, 2023
Q: I have two nonwoven heat-bonded geotextile filters: one made of polyester and the other made of polypropylene. They look the same but are giving very different hydraulic performance. Can you explain this phenomenon? A: Geotextiles are permeable fabrics consisting of materials such as polypropylene or polyester. Depending on their manufacturing method, nonwoven geotextiles have […]
LLDPE yield point
October 1st, 2023
Q: Can you tell me why my linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is currently showing a yield point? In years past, we have not seen this happen. A: The yield point of HDPE is the first observation of zero slope measured on a stress-strain response curve. In most cases, this occurs between 12% and 19% […]
Airports zone in on geosynthetics
October 1st, 2023
FIGURE 1 Tensar mechanically stabilized the recycled congregate aggregate sublease at Toronto Pearson Airport so that subexcavation and removal of the subgrade soil was not required. Photo courtesy of Tensar Airport runways are not mere roads. They need to be built smoother and stronger to support the loads of jet planes without buckling under the […]
A look at Geotechnical Frontiers 2025
October 1st, 2023
What? What is Geotechnical Frontiers? Geotechnical Frontiers is a specialty conference event combining the biennial Geosynthetics Conference and the Geo-Institute’s annual Geo-Congress. Generally held every six years (the pandemic pushed this one to eight years), this event is where the industry unites to share developments in geotechnical engineering and technologies. Attendees can look forward to […]