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MQA and GRI specs

News, Q&A: GMA Techline | February 1, 2016 | By:

There is much inconsistency regarding the definition of a production batch quantity for geomembranes and how this relates to MQA sampling frequencies. What is the intent of
the GRI specifications?

Maggie | Australia


Regarding MQC—the factory production of like material—the GRI specifications give the frequencies of each particular test. These values were the subject of intense discussions
among the focus groups in each geosynthetic category.

That said, if your internal quality manual (as would be stipulated in your ISO 9009 or ISO
14,000 certification) is more frequent it would control.

Now to the dicey part: MQA. First of all, MQA (according to the U.S. EPA Technical Guidance Manual) can be provided by an internal person or group that is separate from the production personnel or activities, or by an outside independent auditor. For internal MQA, your company’s quality manual should address the issue; for outside MQA, the auditor will have his or her own guidance.

GSI/GRI has no guidance for either situation in this regard. The reason for us distancing ourselves from MQA is that our selecting a small subset of the complete suite of MQC tests
in the complete specification is far too subjective for us to avoid controversy, insurance claims, or litigation if problems occur. I hope you understand in this regard (aka, we chickened out!).

Bob Koerner | GMA Techline

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