Minnesota Pollution Control Agency updates geosynthetic liner guidelines for stormwater management
August 30th, 2018
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (Minnesota PCA) revised and released new geosynthetic liner guidelines for stormwater management in August. The guidelines specify where liners are required and where liners are recommended, liner specifications (e.g., HDPE, GCL, PVC), and how to select an appropriate liner. “Liners are designed to limit infiltration of water from a stormwater […]
Part 2: The regulation of CCR in the United States: Geosynthetics and barriers
October 1st, 2017
As discussed in Part 1 of “The Regulation of CCR in the United States,” for the first time in decades, nationwide regulation of CCR (coal combustion residuals) surface impoundments expands the regulated use of geosynthetic materials. While the CCR Rule (2015) allows continued operation of existing CCR surface impoundments, it provides criteria for the disposition […]
Part 1: The regulation of CCR in the United States: Geosynthetics and barriers
August 1st, 2017
The regulation of coal ash (coal combustion residuals or CCR) has significantly expanded the market for geosynthetics within the United States. Further, there is interest in these regulations around the globe in every country using coal as an energy source. These regulations are the result of recent environmental incidents. The regulations call for the increased […]
CCR management using geotextile tubes
August 1st, 2017
Introduction Since the late 1800s, coal has played a leading role in U.S. production of electrical energy. Coal-fired power plants have provided reliable electrical power from the earliest days when power plants were run with hand-fed coal to heat boilers to produce steam. The introduction of pulverized coal led to improvements in the electrical-generation process […]