IGS offers introductory geosynthetics videos

March 2, 2022  |  Industry News

IGS offers geosynthetics videos for students/educators to learn more about/to learn to teach about geosynthetics.
New erosion control venture combines companies

March 1, 2022  |  Industry News

Clearwell Group's new erosion control venture combines four erosion control services businesses under Valor Environmental.
Monitoring/mitigating geohazards is focus of new group

February 28, 2022  |  Industry News

GeoStabilizaton International expands capabilities, using geospatial data/proprietary analytics to increase proficiently in risk management.
Geotechnical materials testing lab opens in Georgia

February 24, 2022  |  Industry News

The geotechnical construction materials testing lab for Golder Associates will test geosynthetic, geotechnical, aggregate and concrete materials.
NSF International president and CEO Lawlor to retire; Sancha to take over

February 17, 2022  |  Industry News

NSF International president and CEO Kevan P. Lawlor will step down, making way for the Pedro Sancha era at the standards organization.
Alternative stress cracking surfactants identified for HDPE geomembrane testing

February 9, 2022  |  Industry News

Australian geosynthetics testing company ExcelPlas discusses the search for alternative stress cracking surfactants to the pollutant Igepal CO-630.
Railway ballast geogrids focus of AREMA’s Tensar tour

February 4, 2022  |  Industry News

With railway ballast geogrids on their minds, AREMA Committee 1 members will tour Tensar International Corp.’s plant.
Geosynthetic grain pile cover system secures grain storage

February 2, 2022  |  Industry News

Raven Industries Inc. announced that Raven Engineered Films has introduced a powerful addition to its lineup of grain cover solutions: the DuraCinch Strapping System. As part of the company’s total system approach to grain cover solutions, the patent-pending DuraCinch Strapping System is designed …
New ASTM geosynthetics standard provides specifications for vinyl sheet piling

January 28, 2022  |  Industry News, Products

ASTM International’s Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has approved a new standard that will help engineers, designers and specifiers who work with vinyl sheet piling. Applications for such piling include the construction of seawalls, retaining walls and chemical cut-off walls.   “The new specifi…
GSI to host webinar on geosynthetics in heap leach mining

January 27, 2022  |  Events, Industry News

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will sponsor a webinar, “Geosynthetic Applications Used in Heap Leach Mining,” on Feb. 9, 2022, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST. Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) member companies and their employees receive discounted rates on all GSI webinar and short cour…