Streambank and slope stabilization

October 1, 2024  |  Final Inspection

The contractor was faced with a steep slope that failed along a natural streambank. The slope was eroding and contaminating the stream with sediment. This slope was also in a pipeline’s right-of-way area. To ensure the safety of the pipeline and surrounding property, the slope needed a long-term, …
Enhanced water storage in onshore gas production facility

July 1, 2024  |  Final Inspection

The second of three mega-scale Concept Tanks™ was installed at an onshore natural gas production facility to provide additional produced water storage. The hyper-saline water is a byproduct of gas operations and requires a high level of containment to prevent contamination of the surrounding envir…
XR-3 geomembrane helps supply fresh water to residents of Baltimore

April 1, 2024  |  Final Inspection

Druid Hill Park was inaugurated in 1860 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, totaling 745 acres (300 ha) in size. Druid Lake was constructed (1863–1871) to provide a 1-billion-gallon (440 million m3) capacity, 55-acre (22 ha) freshwater reservoir supplying the city of Baltimo…
Structural asphalt reinforcement in Wassenaar, The Netherlands

February 1, 2024  |  Final Inspection

Municipalities are responsible for public space. Management plans describe which measures must be taken for maintenance, repair, replacement, etc. The management plans are the basis for activities and form the basis for the budget. In Wassenaar, an affluent suburb of The Hague in The Netherlands, th…
Lining system supports upgrade at northern Nevada mine

October 1, 2023  |  Final Inspection

AGRU collaborated with a Nevada mine’s stakeholders to supply more than 12.2 million square feet (1.1 million m2) of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liner to help a mining operation expand its capacity. The project’s proximity to AGRU’s regional plant, the AGRU liner’s welding edges, and th…
Road slope stability in Auckland, New Zealand

August 1, 2023  |  Final Inspection

Red Hills is a 400-lot residential development situated in Westgate, Auckland, New Zealand. This north-facing, elevated greenfield site sits on sloping land, with steep batters surrounding each block of housing to create the maximum amount of usable land. With some slopes steeper than 1V:2H, there w…
GEOWEB Slope Protection System provides transmission line stabilization solution

June 1, 2023  |  Final Inspection

Transmission lines are integral to supplying power to homes and businesses throughout the country. Confronted with variable terrains, geohazards, and other site complications, transmission line construction projects must contend with a wide range of complexities, including the extreme challenge of t…
Roadway rehabilitation on Interstate 70 in Greenfield, Ind.

April 1, 2023  |  Final Inspection

Interstate 70 is one of the most heavily traveled East-West interstate highways in the county. Increased traffic due to population growth of the eastern metro Indianapolis area had taken its toll on a stretch of the interstate that runs through Greenfield, Ind.
Geogrid for Calgary road building

October 1, 2022  |  Final Inspection

Geosynthetic materials have proven their worth on (and below) surfaces across Canada, where they are being used in greater frequency to provide contractors with a stronger, more sustainable, and cost-efficient base for their projects. Canada’s road-building sector recently applied Titan’s Sparta…
Geocells and geotextiles for separation/reinforcement at an oil-drilling platform

April 1, 2022  |  Final Inspection

An Angle Energy Inc. oil drilling platform in northern Canada required year-round access for equipment to service and maintain a conventional wellsite pad. Several new wells were to be drilled on this pad, and since this location was not connected to a pipeline, continual heavy tanker truck traffic …