Start making your travel plans for joining the geo takeover of Louisville, Ky., in 2025 with 2,200 of your favorite geotechnical professionals. The Kentucky International Convention Center is the home base for all things related to the conference, including a huge array of technical presentations, networking opportunities and 200+ suppliers. Just a few blocks away you will find the conference hotels, the 4th Street Live entertainment district and the Urban Bourbon Experience.
Hotel reservations
Book your room at either the Louisville Marriott Downtown (headquarters hotel) or the Omni Louisville. Hotel reservations will open March 1. Visit geotechnicalfrontiers.com/attend/travel-hotel/ for full details.
The nearest airport is the Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport (SDF)—it’s a quick 10-minute drive from downtown and features 40 nonstop flights from eight airlines.
Deadlines and opportunities
Become an author/presenter—time is running out!
Submit an abstract online at geotechnicalfrontiers.com by February 16, 2024. Accepted final papers must be presented during the conference.
Abstracts must be:
- 200–300 words in length
- Clear and on a topic related to the conference
- Technically accurate
Book your booth and sponsor
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to exhibit at Geotechnical Frontiers and reach both the GeoCongress and Geosynthetics Conference audiences at one time! A chance like this won’t happen again for another six years. For more details on exhibiting or sponsoring, contact amy.collins@textiles.org or visit GeotechnicalFrontiers.com
More information
To get on the email list and receive monthly conference updates, email:
Barbara Connett
Secretary General
Geotechnical Frontiers 2025