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IECA Webinar – The Big Picture: Flocculant Use From Start To Finish – Jan. 31

News | January 26, 2024 | By:

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) presents the webinar – The Big Picture: Flocculant Use From Start To Finish – on January 31, 2024 at 11 a.m. MST. It is presented by Seva Iwinski Bray, vice president, Applied Polymer Sciences, the cost is free, and you can register here.

In its third and final Let’s Talk Floc webinar, Bray will use this foundation and apply the acquired skills and knowledge to work through projects that need flocculant use from start to finish.

Participants who have not yet had the opportunity to view Let’s Talk Floc 1 or 2, but have a basic understanding of how polymer flocculants work, and their various E&SC and stormwater applications, can still benefit from this upcoming presentation and learn the process of proper flocculant planning and use.

This interactive webinar will use example sites and allow participants to work through the flocculant process including planning, regulations, sampling for product matching and selection, application, troubleshooting, maintenance and disposal.

In the first parts of the Let’s Talk Floc webinar series participants were provided a foundation on how to select safe and effective flocculants and polyacrylamides and were introduced to the many uses for improving erosion and sediment control and stormwater quality. The second part of this series built on this information and focused on completed projects including robust dewatering and mainstream theme park applications to provide examples of how PAMs were and currently are being utilized to successfully manage erosion, sediment, and water clarification.

Parts 1 and 2 are available on-demand in the IECA eHub.

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