COMANCO has installed 29,000 square feet of 40mil HDPE textured geomembrane and geocomposite on 0.60 acres at the Preserving Tank Farm in Alabama. The project is 100% complete.

The project involved installing 40mil textured liner on the concrete walls, following installation of the stainless steel batten bar to columns to ensure a tight seal. The team worked tirelessly to achieve these results, and the company is proud of their expertise and dedication.
The end goal of this project was to provide a barrier to the tanks that will be installed on top of the subgrade above the liner and geocomposite with the 40mil textured liner followed by 450mil geocomposite. This will help prevent potential environmental damage by containing spills within the tank farm.
The project’s superintendent, Alejandro Loza, played a significant role in ensuring the successful completion of the project, and his expertise and leadership were instrumental in achieving the project’s goals.