Join Contech’s stormwater experts as they help civil engineers discover alternative methods to achieve stormwater quality goals by examining five publicly funded projects from across the country, each with unique site constraints and objectives. The webinar is October 19, 2022 at 2 p.m. EST and you can register here. Participant s earn 1 Professional Development Hour (PDH).

What you will learn:
• How hydrodynamic separation was used to meet stringent trash capture regulations in San Jose, Calif.
• How high-rate bioretention was used to meet water quality goals on a green street retrofit project in Montgomery County, Md.
• How a runway realignment at the Pullman Moscow Regional Airport in Pullman, Wash. used detention, filtration, and hydrodynamic separation to comply with most current Washington State Department of Ecology standards.
• How hydrodynamic separation was used to treat 75cfs of runoff from the I-70/I-71 intersection in Columbus, Ohio.
• How the Texas DOT used membrane filtration to improve water quality on numerous projects throughout the state.