A webinar on Mobilized Interface Strengths on Geosynthetic Lined Slopes will take place on October 18 at noon CDT; noon October 19 AEST pre-recorded (Australia); October 19 noon CAT pre-recorded (South Africa); and 5 p.m. JST pre-recorded (Japan). The presenter is Timothy D. Stark, Ph.D., P.E. It is free to students and industry professionals, a 1.0 PDH is available, and you can register here.

This webinar will provide insight into the interface strengths that should be used on the base and sideslope of a geosynthetic lined slope and the accompanying factors of safety.
Numerical analyses will be presented that show the residual, large displacement, or post-peak interface strengths that should be used on the sideslope depending on the length and inclination (3H:1V to 6H:1V) of the sideslope. A peak or post-peak interface strength should be used on the base of the facility also depending on the base length and inclination of the sideslope.
Finally, the impact of liquid and buildup of fines on the textured geomembrane/nonwoven geotextile and drainage geocomposite interfaces will be discussed using the results of direct shear and ring shear tests on these interfaces.