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Layfield introduces HydraNet geonets/geocomposites

Products | April 7, 2022 | By:

Layfield introduces HydraNet geonets/composites, described as cost-effective and environmentally conscious alternatives to aggregate drains.

Layfield Group HydraNet logo

Layfield Group Ltd. has launched HydraNet, a premium line of geonets and geocomposites.

HydraNet is constructed from either two strands (biplanar) or three strands (triplanar) of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) extruded into a net-like sheet. Geonets are used to provide channelized flow of liquid, gas or vapor in a variety of drainage applications. A biplanar geonet allows flow in two directions; a triplanar geonet provides flow paths in three directions.

HydraNet geocomposites consists of geonet laminated to a nonwoven geotextile to form a drainage medium that also provides filtration and resists sediment from entering the geonet and clogging. Layfield’s HydraNet is made in North America at the company’s ISO 9001 registered facility.

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