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Geo conference proposal deadline is Feb. 28

Events | February 21, 2022 | By:

Submit your session proposals by the Geo conference proposal deadline of Feb. 28 to share your expertise at Geosynthetics Conference 2023.

Photograph of downtown Kansas City, MO, by Doug Wertman, site of 2023 Geo conference
Downtown Kansas City, Mo., at dusk. Photograph by Doug Wertman. Creative Commons License Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Geosynthetics Conference 2023, to be held in Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 5–8, 2023, is accepting proposals for technical paper sessions, panel discussions, in-depth two-hour workshops and any other innovative special session presenters wish to propose. Be creative and have fun with the proposal; conference organizers encourage presenters to think about new topics and formats. The Geo conference proposal deadline is Feb. 28, 2022.

Geosynthetics Conference 2023 will be co-located with the International Erosion Control Association’s (IECA) Annual Conference and Expo 2023. Attendees will have access to the education at both events. Plan for a varied audience.

Short course submissions are full. Although no additional short courses can be added at this time, as noted, the conference organizers are accepting proposals for two-hour workshops.

To submit a session proposal by Feb. 28, 2022, visit the Geosynthetics Conference 2023 Call for Proposals web page.

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