Make your plans now to participate in the Geosynthetics Conference 2023 in Kansas City, Mo.—co-located with the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Annual Conference and Expo 2023.

Who is on the Organizing Committee for this event?
Organizing committee chair
Jie Han, Ph.D., University of Kansas
Technical program co-chairs
Melissa Beauregard, Ph.D., P.E., U.S. Air Force Academy
Stephan Gale, P.E., D.GE, F.ASCE, Gale-Tec Engineering Inc.
General committee members
Robert Lozano, The Reinforced Earth Co.
Fred Chuck, Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA)
Todd R. Berger, Geosynthetics magazine
Exhibit chair
Kathryn Grant, Propex GeoSolutions
Short course chair
Michael R. Simac, P.E., Earth Improvement Technologies
Conference Advisor—IGS-NA
Ben Leshchinsky, Oregon State University
What will be included in the Geosynthetics Conference 2023?
The conference will include a joint plenary breakfast, short courses, technical sessions, special sessions, panel discussions, a welcome reception in the exhibit hall and networking opportunities. See you there!
The conference will take place in Kansas City, Mo., at the Kansas City Convention Center; accommodations are now available. Reserve your room via the Geosynthetics Conference website.
Save the dates: Feb. 5–8, 2023
How can you participate in the technical program?
We are looking for session chairs and authors. The call for abstracts deadline is April 29, 2022. Submit your technical paper abstracts online via the Geosynthetics Conference website.
For more information or to participate as a session chair, panel member or volunteer, email Barbara J. Connett, secretary general of the Geosynthetics Conference 2023, at