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GSI releases RFP for graduate student fellowships

News | January 15, 2018 | By:

On Jan. 12, 2018, the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) announced a worldwide request for proposals (RFP) focusing on innovative geosynthetics research and development projects. In 2018 awards will be given in two categories:

1. Unsolicited geosynthetic topics at $5,000 each

2. Solicitated topics at a grant level to be decided (> $5,000)

A list of topics is available from Jamie R. Koerner, Special Projects Manager, GSI,

The proposals must be submitted in the following four-page format (no exceptions).

1. Page 1: Letter of recommendation from student’s department head or advisor

2. Page 2: Title and detailed abstract of proposed project

3. Page 3: Student’s resume

4. Page 4: Relevancy of topic to the geosynthetics community The RFPs for the 2018–19 academic year must be submitted to (email submissions only). The deadline for submittal is June 11, 2018. Awards will be announced on, or before, Aug. 30, 2018. The nine-member board of advisors of GSI will review the proposals and select the fellowship recipients. For information on the Geosynthetic Institute and past fellows, visit

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