On Jan. 12, 2018, the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) announced a worldwide request for proposals (RFP) focusing on innovative geosynthetics research and development projects. In 2018 awards will be given in two categories:
1. Unsolicited geosynthetic topics at $5,000 each
2. Solicitated topics at a grant level to be decided (> $5,000)
A list of topics is available from Jamie R. Koerner, Special Projects Manager, GSI, jrkoerner@verizon.net.
The proposals must be submitted in the following four-page format (no exceptions).
1. Page 1: Letter of recommendation from student’s department head or advisor
2. Page 2: Title and detailed abstract of proposed project
3. Page 3: Student’s resume
4. Page 4: Relevancy of topic to the geosynthetics community The RFPs for the 2018–19 academic year must be submitted to jrkoerner@verizon.net. (email submissions only). The deadline for submittal is June 11, 2018. Awards will be announced on, or before, Aug. 30, 2018. The nine-member board of advisors of GSI will review the proposals and select the fellowship recipients. For information on the Geosynthetic Institute and past fellows, visit www.geosynthetic-institute.org/gsifellows.htm.