The International Geosynthetics Society North American (IGS–NA) Chapter held the 2017 IGS North America Photo Contest this past winter. The first, second, and third place winners were announced at the Geotechnical Frontiers conference in Orlando, Fla., March 14, 2017.
Photographs were required to clearly display a geosynthetic in use. Photographs needed to provide a clear understanding of what geosynthetic type/function or event is being demonstrated. Contestants had to be an IGS–NA member in good standing.
1st place

Geogrid being used on a road base with sand infill in a low California bearing ratio (CBR) area, Northern Alberta, Canada
2nd place

Geomembranas y Geosinteticos, México City, México
High-scale separation using nonwoven geotextiles for the construction of the new Mexico City International Airport to improve soil bearing capacity with imported bank materials over the area where Texcoco Lake was in Estado de México (State of Mexico), México
3rd place

Geomembranas y Geosinteticos, México City, México
Woven geosynthetics for soil reinforcement in subgrade stabilization with unstable, saturated, soft soils, for the Villahermosa Freeway in Tabasco, México