Request for proposals
The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) has announced a worldwide call for requests-for-proposals (RFPs) focusing on innovative geosynthetics research and development projects. There will be numerous awards given, each for $5,000. (Note that this is a change from the original program in that the terms are different and that the students can be pursuing either master’s or doctoral degrees.)
Emphasis will be placed on relevant topics of interest and/or concern to the geosynthetics community. A list of possible topics (there are obviously many others) is available upon request. The proposals must be submitted in the following four-page format (with no exceptions).
Page 1—Letter of recommendation from student’s department head or advisor
Page 2—Title and detailed abstract of proposed project
Page 3—Student’s resume
Page 4—Relevancy of topic to the geosynthetics community
The RFPs for the 2016–2017 academic year must be submitted to the undersigned by email by June 13, 2016. Awards will be announced on or before Aug. 1, 2016. Review of the proposals is by the nine-person GSI Board of Directors.
More information on the Geosynthetic Institute and past fellowship recipients is available on its website.
Jamie R. Koerner
GSI Special Projects Coordinator