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New video from IGS: ‘Geosynthetics for Sustainable Development’

News | February 4, 2015 | By:

How geosynthetics are part of the sustainability conversation

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) announced in a Jan. 27 press release the availability of its new video: “Geosynthetics for Sustainable Development.” The video produced by the IGS Education Committee, asks the question: “What defines quality of life?”

The release said: “It’s a question that is being answered by a call for solutions that are sustainable and protect the earth and its limited resources. More and more, sustainable infrastructure solutions are being addressed with high-quality, engineered geosynthetic materials. As the increasing demand for improved living conditions is driven by the growing world population, consumption is outpacing supply of virtually all resources. The video seeks to show how geosynthetics are a solution to building sustainable civil, geotechnical and environmental infrastructure projects.”

The creation of the video was headed by Sam Allen, vice president of TRI/Environmental, Neil Dixon and Gary Fowmes, both from the IGS-U.K. Chapter and Loughborough University, with support from one of the founders of the IGS, J.P. Giroud, and the current IGS secretary, Elizabeth Peggs.

The press release noted that the beta version of the video premiered at the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10ICG) in Berlin last September. It is now available to the public on IGS’s YouTube channel.

Allen, the immediate past chairman of the IGS Education Committee, said: “While sustainable development has increasing international commitment, its successful implementation requires us to employ state-of-the-art technologies and materials to both conserve energy and promote more durable, sustainable structures. Adoption of this approach mandates the awareness and robust use of geosynthetics and the realization of their long-term benefits.”

The press release stated: “In a fast, engaging format, ‘Geosynthetics for Sustainable Development’ shows that sustainable solutions are needed to create the infrastructure necessary for the quality of life desired by a growing world population. Appealing to a wide variety of viewers, the video makes the case for geosynthetics as a fundamental building block that is integral to building a sustainable future.”

The video features geomembranes and geosynthetic clay liners, geonets and drainage geocomposites, geotextiles and geogrids, explaining that this group of materials will assist in reducing the carbon footprint contributed by infrastructure development while minimizing the use of natural resources.

How exactly do geosynthetics improve infrastructure? The video highlights:

  • improved road construction.
  • safer and longer-lasting slopes.
  • evaporation control.
  • water preservation.
  • environmental protection.
  • erosion control.
  • enhancing longevity, resilience, and safety of critical infrastructure.

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