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Report from the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS)

News | February 1, 2015 | By:

NAGS election results for 2015–2017

President—John Henderson
President-elect—Richard Brachman
Treasurer—Corey Bobba
Vice Presidents—Dhani Narejo, John McCartney, Stan Boyle
Congratulations to all!

IGS proceedings library

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) proceedings library is now online at and can be accessed immediately to download papers from previous IGS conferences. This treasure trove of information is now available for the first time at no charge. However, access is available only with a valid IGS membership.

All NAGS members are automatically IGS members. You are either already an IGS member or a potential member if you are reading this article. To become an NAGS member, contact David Suits at:

Other NAGS membership benefits include access to two prominent journals (Geotextiles & Geomembranes and Geosynthetics International) at no additional cost, discounts to attend NAGS conferences, a subscription to Geosynthetics magazine, and many opportunities to interact with geosynthetics professionals.

10ICG–Berlin: A great success

The 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics took place in Berlin, Germany, Sept. 21–25, 2014. The conference was a great success including the number of attendees, the number and quality of the papers presented, overall organization, food and festivities, and the exhibit itself.

With several keynote lectures daily by world renowned experts and multiple technical sessions running in parallel, the conference had plenty to offer for every attendee. The IGS conference shared the venue, including exhibit halls, with members of the German Society of Geotechnical Engineers (DGGT). The overlapping programs from both events brought together geotechnical and geosynthetics professionals from all over the world in an event that exceeded all expectations.

Geosynthetics 2015: Portland, Oregon

Preparations are under way for Geosynthetics 2015 and Environmental Connection 2015 being held in tandem at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland from February 15–18, 2015. The four-day event features more than 225 exhibits and a comprehensive program consisting of technical papers, short courses, panel discussions, and training workshops.

The geosynthetics and erosion control industries come together in this important event to share more than 50 years of fast-paced growth and development. Attendees will have access to both associations’ technical programs regardless of which conference they register for (this includes morning plenary, technical sessions, and panel discussions), plus one giant exhibition hall, all under one roof. As a supporting organization, NAGS encourages its members and other geo-professionals to attend this conference.

GeoAmericas 2016:
Miami, Florida

Planning for GeoAmericas 2016, the Third Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics, is well under way. This NAGS-supported conference will be in Miami Beach April 11–14, 2016. Organizers have issued a call for session proposals, followed by a call for abstracts. More information about this event can be found at:

Save the date: Geo 2017

Save the date for GeoTechnical Frontiers 2017: March 12–15 at the Hyatt Regency in Orlando, Fla.

Like 2005 in Austin, Texas, and 2011 in Dallas, the biennial Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) Geosynthetics 2017 conference will partner with the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). NAGS is represented on the organizing committee for this event.

NAGS meeting in Portland

The 2015 biennial meeting of the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) will be held during the Geosynthetics15 conference in Portland; 6 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 16, in Room F152 at the Oregon Convention Center. This meeting is open to all NAGS members and prospective members.

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