Starting with its June/July 2011 issue, Geosynthetics takes an in-depth look at how geosynthetic materials enhance sustainability in myriad applications.
The magazine will feature one or two sustainability feature articles in each bimonthly issue. The inaugural article is introductory in nature and is written from a European viewpoint—“Sustainable development using geosynthetics: European perspectives.” The authors are Russell Jones from Golder Associates–U.K. and Neil Dixon from Loughborough University (U.K.).
Other articles in this series will include descriptions of the use of geosynthetic materials in transportation applications, landfi lls, erosion control, carbon dioxide emissions, and green roofs.
The series of articles in Geosynthetics magazine is coordinated in partnership with the Geosynthetic Research Institute (the research arm of the Geosynthetic Institute, GSI), which conducted its most recent conference—GRI-24: “Optimizing sustainability using geosynthetics”—March 16, 2011, during the Geo-Frontiers event in Dallas, Texas.
Geosynthetics is one of six magazines published by the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI), based in Roseville, Minn.
For more information about this series or other information regarding Geosynthetics magazine contact:
Ron Bygness
Editor, Geosynthetics
+1 651 225 6988