Texas-based testing firm TRI Environmental has been selected as the official support laboratory for the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute–Laboratory Accreditation Program (GAI–LAP), according to a June 1 press release from the company.
George Koerner, director designate of the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), confirmed that GSI’s board of directors had approved TRI as the official support laboratory for the GAI-LAP.
Since its creation in 1995, GAI–LAP has grown steadily to include 19 independent, 26 manufacturing quality control, and 4 research/governmental laboratories. Each lab participates in annual proficiency testing and quinquennial on-site audits. TRI Environmental will conduct on-site audit services for GSI relating to the 209 different geosynthetic test methods accredited under GAI-LAP.
This is the first time GSI has outsourced laboratory accreditation audits, the release said. The decision to subcontract some of the auditing work comes as a result of the growing workload at GSI and specifically the success of the GAI–LAP. It will not be exclusively serviced by TRI Environmental, as GSI will also continue to perform audit work in-house.
“The GAI offers the most robust, responsive, and relevant geosynthetics testing audit program in the world,” said Sam Allen, TRI Environmental’s vice president of geosynthetics services. “TRI is honored to [be] selected for this important function and is dedicated to sustaining the culture of service and excellence already established by GAI leadership.”
TRI Environmental, Austin, Texas, is an independent third-party laboratory that has conducted geosynthetic material testing since the early 1980s. The company’s current scope of services includes 140 accredited geosynthetics test methods.
For more information: Sam R. Allen, vice president, SAllen@tri-env.com; www.geosyntheticstesting.com