Editor’s Note: A question-and-answer from the GMA Techline article in the April/May 2010 issue of Geosynthetics prompted a follow-up question and this answer.
RE: Geocell application
From: Suprio C.
Posted: April 3, 2010
If a layer of geocell is placed on a soft subgrade of say CBR value 1, then what is the method of determining the settlement envisaged after 1 layer of geocell is placed and compacted with a infill soil of, say, “phi” value of 35°?
From: Dr. Koerner, GMA Techline
The settlement calculations due to consolidation of the soft subgrade would be made as with any other situation. Of course, with only the light dead load of the filled geocell, it will likely be small.
In this case, I would consider a live load of a truck or construction/maintenance vehicle, and depending what you use, the settlement value will be greater and perhaps more realistic.
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