While in the self-described process of “reinventing itself,” ASFE has continued to produce an array of new tools during the past six months:
- A proposal insert sheet and a report insert sheet for those involved with construction materials, engineering, and testing (CoMET) services, plus a do-it-yourself PowerPoint presentation to explain CoMET services to client representatives, contractors, and design professionals.
- The first three of a new series of Lunch & Learn presentations for you to put on live using ASFE materials.
- Improved eBrownbag.com presentations that work well even with slow-speed connections and allow full-screen zooming.
- An updated National Practice Guideline for the Geotechnical Engineer of Record.
- Guidance on starting/operating an internship program.
- Guidance on starting/operating a mentoring program.
- Guidance on cell-phone use policies.
- E-Communication guidance.
- Financial performance reporting.
- The new ASFE Guide to Third-Party Reliance.
- The new topical index to 38 years of ASFE NewsLog.
- A new ASFE Case History search tool.
For more information: www.asfe.org