Abstracts are invited in support of the workshop Geosynthetic Materials Durability: Field and Laboratory Experiences, scheduled for Jan. 29, 2010.
This workshop will focus on all types of geosynthetic materials durability in both covered and exposed applications. The four-part workshop includes long-term field experiences under various environment conditions: accelerated weathering studies, polymers, and additive packages that constitute the final material’s formulation. Part four is a summary of workshop content by a panel of experts.
Sponsored by ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics and the Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI), the workshop will be held in conjunction with the Jan. 27-29 standards development meetings of the ASTM committee. The workshop will focus on all types of geosynthetic materials durability in both covered and exposed applications.
Titles and abstracts for this workshop must be sent to both workshop cochairs by Sept. 30, 2009. Based on their appropriateness and acceptance, the formal program will be developed. Titles and extended summaries (2 to 5 pages) will then be required by Nov. 30, 2009. The final abstracts will form the information booklet that will be distributed to all participants at the workshop. All oral presentations will be on PowerPoint with a time allocation of 15-25 minutes, depending on the response to this solicitation.
Additional information is available at www.astm.org/d35work110.htm or by contacting workshop cochairs Sam R. Allen, TRI/Environmental Inc., Austin, Texas (+1 512 263 2101, sallen@tri-env.com); or George R. Koerner, Geosynthetic Institute, Folsom, Pa. (+1 610 522 8440, gkoerner@dca.net).