What is the remaining service life of my HDPE geomembrane?
By Ian D. Peggs, P.E., P.Eng., Ph.D.
In his keynote lecture at the GeoAmericas-2008 conference last March, Dr. Robert Koerner (et al., 2008) of the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) reported the ongoing Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI) work to make the first real stab at assessing the service lives of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), reinforced PE, ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM), and flexible polypropylene (fPP) exposed geomembranes.
The selected environment simulated that of Texas, USA, in sunny ambient temperatures between ~7°C (45°F) and 35°C (95°F). Of course, an exposed black HDPE geomembrane in the sun will achieve much higher temperatures, probably in excess of 80°C (176°F).
I do not know what the temperature would be at 150-300mm above the liner (for those still specifying this parameter), but it is quite immaterial. The only temperature of concern is the actual geomembrane temperature.
The lifetimes are shown in Table 1, but it must be recognized that these data are for specific manufactured products with specific formulations. The “greater than” notation indicates that laboratory exposures (incubations) are still on-going, not that some samples have failed after the indicated time period. The PE-R-1 material is a thin LLDPE, so it might be expected to be the first to reach the defined end of life; the half-life—the time to loss of 50% of uniaxial tensile properties.
It is interesting to note that HDPE-1 and LLDPE-1 are proceeding apace, but it would be expected that the LLDPE-1 would reach its half-life earlier than HDPE-1. However, this does not automatically follow. With adequate additive formulations, perhaps LLDPE could be left exposed and demonstrate more weathering resistance than some HDPEs. This demonstrates the fact that all PEs, whether HD or LLD, are not identical—they can have different long-term performances dependent on the PE resin used and the formulation of the stabilizer package. However, such differences are not evident in the conventional mechanical properties such as tensile strength/ elongation, puncture and tear resistances, and so on.
The two fPPs are performing well. However, there had also been an fPP-1, one of the first PP geomembranes that did not perform well. This was due to a totally inappropriate stabilizer formulation. That particular product lasted 1.5 years in service. In the QUV weatherometer, it lasted 1,800 light hours at 70°C (158°F). Therefore, the lab/field correlation is that 1,000 QUV light hours is equivalent to a 0.83yr service life under those specific environmental conditions.
At another location in Texas, Koerner/ GRI found 1,000hr of QUV exposure was equivalent to 1.1 year actual field exposure. Consequently, for Texas exposures GRI is using a correlation of 1000hr QUV exposure as equivalent to Iyr of in-service exposure. Clearly, the correlation would be different in less sunny and colder environments.
The failed fPP-1 liner was replaced with a correctly stabilized fPP that, subsequently, performed well.
While estimated correlations might be made for other locations using historical weather station sunshine and temperature data, there is no question that the best remaining lifetime assessments will be obtained using samples removed from the field installation of interest.
A lifetime in excess of 28yr, demonstrated for a recently-made HDPE geomembrane, is comparable to the present actual service periods of as long as 30- 35yr. However, actual lifetimes of as low as ~15yr have also been experienced.
Do service lifetimes now exceeding 30yr mean that we might expect to see another round of stress cracking failures as exposed liners finally oxidize sufficiently on the surface to initiate stress cracking?
This would be frustrating after resolving the early 1980s problems with stress cracking failures at welds and stone protrusions when the liners contracted at low temperatures, but it is the way endof- life will become apparent. And will that be soon or in another 5-20 years? It would be useful to know.
So how can we evaluate the condition of our exposed liners in a simple and practical manner to ensure they will continue to provide adequate service lifetimes and to get sufficient warning of impending expiration?
For each installation, a baseline needs to be established, and changes from that baseline need to be monitored.
A liner lifetime evaluation program
Rather than be taken by surprise when a liner fails or simply expires, it should be possible to monitor the condition of the liner to obtain a few years of notice for impending expiration. One can then plan for a timely replacement without the potential for accidental environmental damage and undesirable publicity. A program of periodic liner-condition assessment is proposed.
For baseline data, it would be useful to have some archive material to test, but that is not usually available. Manufacturers often discard retained samples after about 5 years. Perhaps facility owners should be encouraged to keep retained samples at room temperature and out of sunlight. The next best thing is to use material from the anchor trench or elsewhere that has not experienced extremes in temperature and that has not been exposed to UV radiation or to expansion/ contraction stresses.
Less satisfactory options are to use the original NSF 54 specifications, the manufacturer’s specifications, or the GRI-GM13 specifications at the appropriate time of liner manufacturing. The concern with using these specifications is that while aged material may meet them, there is no indication of whether the measured values have significantly decreased from the actual as-manufactured values that generally significantly exceed the specification.
A final option for the baseline would be to use the values at the time of the first liner assessment.
The first liner condition assessment would consist of a site visit during which a general visual examination would be done together with a mechanical probing of the edges of welds. A visual examination would include the black/gray shades of different panels that might indicate low carbon contents.
A closer examination should be done using a loupe (small magnifier) on suspect areas such as wrinkle peaks, the tops and edges of multiple extrusion weld beads, and the apex-down creases of round die-manufactured sheet.
The last detail is significant because the combination of oxidizing surface and exposed surface tension when the liner contracts at low temperatures and the crease is pulled flat can be one of the first locations to crack. The apex-up creases do not fail at the same time because the oxidized exposed surface is under compression (or less tension) when the crease is flattened out.
Appropriate samples for detailed laboratory testing will be removed.
It may be appropriate to do a water lance electrical integrity survey on the exposed sideslopes, but this would only be effective on single liners, and on double liners with a composite primary liner, a conductive geomembrane, or a geocomposite with a conductive geotextile on top.
A sampling and testing regime
A liner lifetime evaluation program should be simple, meaningful, and cost-effective.
While it will initially require expert polymer materials science/engineering input to analyze the test data and to define the critical parameters, it should ultimately be possible to use an expert system to automatically make predictions using the input test data.
Small samples will be taken from deep in the anchor trench and from appropriate exposed locations. Potential sites for future sample removal by the facility owner for future testing will be identified and marked by the expert during the first site visit.
The baseline sample(s) will be tested as follows:
- Single-point stress cracking resistance (SCR) on a molded plaque by ASTM D5397
- High-pressure oxidative induction time (HP-OIT) by ASTM D5885
- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) on upper surface to determine carbonyl index (CI) on nonarchive samples only
- Oven aging/HP-OIT (GRI-GM13)
- UV resistance/HP-OIT (GRI-GM13)
The exposed samples will be tested as follows:
- Carbon content (ASTM D1603)
- Carbon dispersion (ASTM D5596)
- Single-point SCR on molded plaque (ASTM D5397)
- Light microscopy of exposed surface, through-thickness cross sections, and thin microsections (~15 μm thick) as necessary
- HP-OIT on 0.5-mm-thick exposed surface layers from basic sheet and from sheet at edge of extruded weld bead (ASTM D5885), preferably at a double-weld bead
- FTIR-ATR on exposed surface to determine CI
- Oven aging/HP-OIT on 0.5mm surface layer (GRI-GM13)
- UV resistance/HP-OIT on 0.5 mm surface layer (GRI-GM13)
Carbon content is done to ensure adequate basic UV protection. Carbon dispersion is done to ensure uniform surface UV protection and to evaluate agglomerates that might act as initiation sites for stress cracking.
HP-OIT is used to assess the remaining amount of stabilizer additives, both in the liner panels and in the sheet adjacent to an extrusion weld. Most stress cracking is observed at the edges of extrusion weld beads in the lower sheet, so it is important to monitor this location.
While standard OIT (ASTM D3895 at 200°C) better assesses the relevant stabilizers effective at processing (melting) and welding temperatures, the relevant changes in effective stabilizer content during continued service, including in the weld zone, will be provided by measurement of HP-OIT. There will be no future high temperature transient where knowledge of S-OIT will be useful. It is expected that the liner adjacent to the weld bead will be more deficient in stabilizer than the panel itself. Therefore, S-OIT is not considered in this program.
Note that HP-OIT is measured on a thin surface layer because the surface layer may be oxidized while the body of the geomembrane may not. If material from the full thickness of the geomembrane is used it could show a significant value of OIT, implying that there is still stabilizer present and that oxidation is far from occurring. However, the surface layer could be fully oxidized with stress cracks already initiated and propagating. A crack will then propagate more easily through unoxidized material than would initiation and propagation occur in unoxidized material.
The fact that the HP-OIT meets a certain specification value in the as-manufactured condition provides no guarantee that thermo- and photo-oxidation protection will be provided for a long time. Stabilizers might be consumed quickly or slowly while providing protection. They may also be consumed quickly to begin with, then more slowly, or vice versa. Hence, the need for continuing oven (thermal) aging and UV resistance tests. These two parameters, assessed by measuring retained HP- OIT, are critical to the assessment of remaining service life.
Oven (thermal) aging and UV resistance tests performed in this program will provide an extremely valuable data base that relates laboratory testing to in-service performance and that will further aid in more accurately projecting in-service performance from laboratory testing results.
Special considerations
Because we do not know, by OIT measurements alone, whether the surface layer is or is not oxidized (unless OIT is zero), and since we do not yet know at what level of OIT loss there might be an oxidized surface layer (the database has not yet been generated), FTIR directly on the surface of the geomembrane is performed using the attenuated total reflectance (ATR) technique to deny or confirm the presence of oxidation products (carbonyl groups).
Following the practice of Broutman, et al. (1989) and Duvall (2002) on HDPE pipes, if the ratio of the carbonyl peak at wave number 1760 cm-1 and the C-H stretching (PE) peak at wave number 1410 cm -1 is more than 0.10, there is a sufficiently oxidized surface layer that stress cracking might be initiated. For those familiar with the two slope stress rupture curve (Figure 1) where the brittle stress cracking region is the steeper segment below the knee, there is a third vertical part of the curve (Figure 2) where the material is fully oxidized and fracture occurs at the slightest stress. This is what will happen at the end of service life. But first note the times to initiation of stress cracking (the knees in the curves) in Figure 1—they range from ~10/hr to ~5,000/hr—clearly confirming that all HDPEs are not the same. Some are far more durable than others.
At the end of service life, at some level of OIT, there will be a critically oxidized surface layer that when stressed, such as at low temperatures by an upwards protruding stone, or by flexing due to wind uplift, will initiate a stress crack on the surface that will propagate downward through the geomembrane, as shown by the crack in Figure 3.
This crack, initiated at a stress concentrating surface die mark, occurred when the liner contracted at low temperatures, and tightened over an upwardly protruding stone. The straight morphology of the crack, and the ductile break at the bottom surface as the stress in the remaining ligament rose above the knee in the stress rupture curve, are typical of a stress crack. Note the shorter stress cracks initiated along other nearby die marks.
Stress cracks are preferentially initiated along the edges of welds because the adjacent geomembrane has been more depleted of stabilizers during the high temperature welding process. Thus, under further oxidizing service conditions, it will become the first location to be oxidized to the critical level at which stress cracks will be initiated under any applied stress. In addition, the geometrical notches at grinding gouges and at the edges of the bead increase local stresses to critical levels for SC to occur.
I also believe that an internal microstructural flaw exists between the originally oriented geomembrane structure and the pool of more isotropic melted and resolidified material at the edge of the weld zone, as shown schematically in Figure 4. Most stress cracks occur at an off-normal angle at the edge of the weld bead that may be related to the angle of this molten-pool to oriented-structure interface (Figure 5). It is also known that stress increases the extraction of stabilizers from polyolefin materials.
With all of these agencies acting synergistically, it is not surprising that stress cracking often first occurs adjacent to extrusion welds.
Looking ahead
With the first field assessment test results available to us, and the extent of changes from the baseline sample known, removal of a second set of samples by the facility owner (at locations previously identified and marked by the initial surveyor), will be planned for a future time, probably in 2 or 3 years.
Why 2 or 3 years? In an extreme chemical environment, extensive reductions in S-OIT of studded HDPE concrete protection liners in mine solvent extraction facilities using kerosene/aromatic hydrocarbon/ sulfuric acid process solutions at 55°C (131°F) have been observed on the solution and concrete sides of the liner (Table 2) within 1 year (Peggs 2008). But it is unlikely that such rapid decreases will be observed in air-exposed material.
With this second set of field samples, and with three sets of data points, practically reliable extrapolations of remaining lifetime can start to be made.
It is expected that a few years of notice for impending failures will be possible.
The key point to note in making these condition assessments is that, while all HDPE geomembranes have very similar conventional index properties, they can have widely variable photo-oxidation, thermal-oxidation, and stress-cracking resistances. Therefore, some HDPEs are more durable than others.
Thus, while one HDPE geomembrane manufactured in 1990 failed after 15 years in 2005, another HDPE geomembrane made in 1990 from a different HDPE resin (or more correctly a medium-density polyethylene [MDPE] resin), and with a better stabilizer additive package, could still have a remaining lifetime of 5, 20, or 30 years.
So, keep a close eye on those exposed liners and we’ll learn a great deal more about liner performance and get notice of the end of service lifetime. And if owners can retain some archive material from new installations, so much the better.
Ian Peggs is president of I-CORP International Inc. and is a member of Geosynthetics magazine’s Editorial Advisory Committee.
Broutman L.J., Duvall, D.E., So, P.K. (1989). “Fractographic Study of a Polyethylene Sewer Pipe Failure.” SPE Antec, pp 1599-1602.
Duvall, D.E. (2002). “Analyses of Large Diameter Polyethylene Piping Failures.” Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers, 60th Annual Technical Conference.
Gaube, E., Gebler, H., Müller, W., and Gondro, C. (1985). “Creep Rupture Strength and Aging of HDPE Pipes 30 Years Experience in Testing of Pipes.” Kunststoffe 74 7, pp 412-415.
Koerner, R.M., Hsuan, Y.G., Koerner, G. (2008). “Freshwater and Geosynthetics: A Perfect Marriage.” Keynote Lecture at GeoAmericas 2008, IFAI, Roseville, Minn., USA.
Hsuan, Y.G., Koerner, R.M., Lord, A.E., Jr., (1992). “The Notched Constant Tensile Load (NCTL) Test to Evaluate Stress Cracking Resistance.” 6th GRI Seminar, MQC/MQA and CQC/ CQA of Geosynthetics, Folsom, Pa., USA, pp 244-256.
Peggs, I.D., (2008). “The Performance of Concrete Protection liners in Mine SX/EW Mixers and Settlers: The Need for Chemical Resistance Testing.” Proceedings of GeoAmericas 2008, IFAI, Roseville, Minn., USA.