Green roof industry up 16%

January 1, 1970  |  News

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) announced in June the results of its 2010 corporate members industry survey. Despite the severe economic downturn last year, the green roof industry grew by 16.1% in 2009. In the Top 10 cities list, Chicago led the way for the sixth year in a row, with more than…
The February 2010 D.GE inductees

January 1, 1970  |  News

The American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) Academy of Geo-Professionals inducted the following 41 engineers into the newest class of recipients of the Diplomate in Geotechnical Engineering (D.GE) certification. Kandiah Arulmoli, P.E., D.GE, F.ASCE, Earth Mechanics Inc. Eric Bahner, P.E., D.GE…
It was 1961 and I was in Wilmington, Delaware

January 1, 1970  |  Case Studies

A personal sidebar by Bob Koerner Introduction By 1961, I was 27, married to Paula, and we had two young sons, Michael and George. Academically, I had received my BSCE degree from Drexel in 1956, with one course in soil mechanics, and half of a master’s degree at Columbia with two courses in soil …
Piracy in the China marketplace

January 1, 1970  |  News

James Chan offers advice aboutprotecting intellectual property. Q-and-A with consultant James Chan It is said that the Chinese will copy any item with disregard to patents and copyrights. Why doesn’t the U.S. government enforce its own laws? Responding to pressures from the U.S. government and pri…
Mn/DOT receives Highways for LIFE grant

January 1, 1970  |  News

New federal money could cut construction timeline on Highway 36 project Minnesota was one of three states to receive a $1 million grant from the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) new “Highways for LIFE” program. The grant money is currently being used for the reconstruction of Highway 36…
GMA members get to know “Highways for LIFE”

January 1, 1970  |  GMA News

Andrew Aho FHWA’s Highways for LIFE (HfL) program was a featured topic during a March 2007 meeting that members of the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) members conducted with James Ray, FHWA’s Chief Counsel. Ray provided a summary of the HfL program and encouraged GMA members to work wit…
The “disappearing” island of Sylt

January 1, 1970  |  Case Studies

Located 20km (13 miles) west of the German/Danish border lies the island of Sylt. The long, narrow island (pronounced Zoolt) is the northernmost point of Germany. Sylt lies in the North Sea off the coasts of Denmark and the German state Schleswig-Holstein. It is the largest island of the Frisian arc…
GRI-21 Conference

January 1, 1970  |  Events

Geosynthetics in Agriculture and Aquaculture, Wednesday, March 5, 2008 Morning Session (10 a.m.–12 p.m.): Geosynthetics in Agriculture (George Koerner, moderator) Geosynthetic Use to Facilitate a Double Fruit Harvest inTaiwan—Wayne Hsieh of NPUST Geosynthetic Capillary Barrier for Increased Wate…
History of the Kam Kotia Mine

January 1, 1970  |  Case Studies

By Bruno Herlin, P.Eng. Introduction The former Kam Kotia Mine was in operation for several decades, rendering copper, zinc, and secondary silver and gold. The site is located in northeastern Ontario, within Robb Township, northwest of the city of Timmins. This abandoned site had approximately 6 mil…
History of the county engineer in Ohio

January 1, 1970  |  News

The only elected CEs in the country Editor’s note: At the 2007 meeting of the ASCE GeoInstitute in Denver, Warren Schlatter of Defiance County, Ohio, began his presentation on the county’s GRS bridge building plan by saying: “I like my job [as county engineer] and I’d like to keep doing …