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Editorial: Geosynthetics for multiple applications

Editorial | October 1, 2017 | By:

If you are reading this publication, you obviously have an interest in geosynthetics, as this magazine is unlikely to appeal to people whose primary professional interests are taxidermy, snow-crystal study or calligraphy. We aim to please, and this issue touches on many types of geosynthetics, from geogrids to geomembranes, and many applications of geosynthetics, from pond liners to landfill covers.

Part 2 of “The regulation of CCR in the United States: Geosynthetics and barriers” continues the story of federal and state action on geosynthetics-related laws addressing the handling of coal combustion residuals (CCR). As the authors Boyd Ramsey and Bill Betke note, recent promulgations from the federal government recommend final cover systems for CCR units, including a geosynthetic composite cover system, and require new CCR units to have a geomembrane primary liner with a geosynthetic clay liner.

Stanley M. Miller delves into the world of geosynthetic wrap-face vegetated walls and reinforced soil slopes, which use high-performance turf-reinforcement mats, geogrids and woven geotextiles. Their uses include geosynthetic reinforced soil–integrated bridge systems, stormwater detention facilities, riverbanks and embankments next to roadways. The author points out such systems on steep slopes can be held in place by soil nails or ground anchors, and the system works better for soil settlement after construction than more rigid methods, such as shotcrete.

George R. Koerner, Robert M. Koerner and Y. Grace Hsuan take a look at life expectancy of exposed geomembrane covers in the laboratory and in the field. Through a step-by-step process, the authors lay out a methodology for predicting half-life for five types of geomembranes.

Gas bubbles interest Richard Thiel in Part 1 of his “Design of exposed geomembrane-lined ponds: Controlling uplifting gas bubbles.” Thiel asserts such “whales” or “hippos” have specific causes and mathematically predictable geometry, allowing engineers and designers to create and adjust plans accordingly.

Whatever you are looking for in the geosynthetics world, there is something of interest in these pages.

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