Q: Can buried PVC plastic pipe be repaired? Our pipe has been impacted after being buried for seven years and we are seeing a bit of moisture on the outside of our pressure pipe.
A: Resin cloths, patches, saddles and tapes are quick and simple options for repairing PVC pipe leaks. Unfortunately, they are temporary fixes. If done properly, these solutions will likely last for a few months but eventually, you’ll need a more permanent fix. The permanent fix generally is cutting beyond the impacted length and replacing it with two couplings and a length of pipe. Some PVC pipe can be thermally welded, but most of the connections we see are still via solvent welding. Be very sure to abrade and clean the old pipe well before attempting to solvent weld it.
Oatey.com suggests the five most common solvent-welding mistakes are as follows:
- Not choosing the right cement for the job
- Not properly preparing the pipe
- Skipping the primer or improperly applying the primer
- Not waiting for the appropriate set and cure time
- Not having adequate airflow