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USACE Fiscal 2022 Civil Works budget press conference June 28

News | May 26, 2021 | By:

The United States Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE’s) press conference to release details of President Joseph R. Biden’s Fiscal 2022 Budget for the Army’s Civil Works program is scheduled for Friday, May 28, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EDT.

The press conference will be broadcast virtually from the USACE headquarters in Washington, D.C. There will be no in-person attendance due to continuing COVID-19 precautions.

Jaime A. Pinkham, acting assistant secretary of the Army (Civil Works), and Maj. Gen. William H. “Butch” Graham, USACE deputy commanding general for civil and emergency operations, will speak at the press conference. Vance F. Stewart III, deputy assistant secretary of the Army (management and budget). and Stacey E. Brown, chief of the USACE Civil Works Programs Integration Division, will also be available for comment.

The press conference will be available for viewing over the internet or can be accessed by telephone 10 minutes prior to the scheduled 2 p.m. start time by using the following instructions:

Step 1: Dial into the conference.

Dial-in: 888-251-2949 or 215-861-0694

Access Code: 8577449#

Need an international dial-in number?

Step 2: Join the conference on your computer.

Entry link:

When the entry link above is accessed, a choice will be provided to install the WebEx plug-in for the preferred browser or to join the web conference using a temporary path. Either option is acceptable.

Technical assistance can be reached at: Audio Connection: (888) 796-6118

WebEx Connection: (888) 793-6118

The Fiscal 2022 Civil Works budget press book will be available Friday, 1 p.m. EDT, at under the heading Program Budget: Press Books.

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