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IAGI board of directors and officers elected

News | March 20, 2012 | By:

Members of the International Association of Geosynthetic Installers (IAGI) recently voted to fill four seats on IAGI’s board of directors, according to a March 12 press release. Candidates were nominated by industry representatives and those elected will serve on the IAGI board for two-year terms, 2012–2013.

Elected were: John Heap, Colorado Lining International, USA; Max Brady, DDT Liners, Australia; Bill Shehane, Seaman Corp., USA; and Nicky Araujo, Servicios de Ingenieria Geosintetica S.A., Costa Rica.

The release noted that new officers for the IAGI board were also recently elected: Todd Harman as IAGI president; David McLaury, first vice president; Nicky Araujo, second vice president; Chris Eichelberger, treasurer. Brian McKeown will serve the board as immediate past president. All IAGI officers serve two-year terms.

“Under Brian McKeown’s dedicated leadership, IAGI has focused on serving the international installation community,” said Laurie Honnigford, IAGI’s managing director. “Brian has worked hard to accomplish this.”

“IAGI members set the world standard for installation professionalism,” said Harman, IAGI’s new president. “My goal is to support and enhance those companies dedicated to keeping the bar high and holding ourselves to that standard.”

IAGI strives to provide a forum for geosynthetics installers to advance installation and construction techniques, and to strengthen the knowledge, image, and communication within the industry.

For more information about IAGI, contact Laurie Honnigford: +1 651 554 1895 or

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