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DFI announces 2024-2025 traveling lecturer

News | May 14, 2024 | By:

Matthew E. Meyer, P.E., BC.GE, principal at Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, has been selected as the 2024-2025 Traveling Lecturer. A well-known geotechnical expert with more than 29 years of experience, Meyer will travel and present a series of lectures to university students, professional groups and industry associations. He is available, on request of the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI), to present lectures September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025.

Matthew E. Meyer, P.E., BC.GE

The Traveling Lecture program promotes the field of geotechnical engineering and deep foundation construction by encouraging students to explore a career in the deep foundations industry, providing information on topics of interest to members of the industry and raising awareness of how DFI and its activities support the industry.

Meyer’s experience is diverse in project type, location, magnitude and geologic setting including experience on private sector high-rise projects, resorts, industrial and retail developments, stadium projects, airports, marinas and port developments, universities, convention centers, public sector transportation projects inclusive of projects delivered utilizing design-build and public-private partnership approaches with a focus on subsurface investigative techniques, deep foundations, ground improvement, groundwater control, karst-related risk reduction or mitigation, and verification or validation through full-scale load testing, nondestructive testing techniques, and performance monitoring.

Meyer has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from The Citadel and a master’s in civil engineering (geotechnical focus) from Virginia Tech. He previously served as an adjunct professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Florida International University. Meyer has served previously in numerous leadership positions at DFI including trustee on the DFI Board, trustee liaison to the Working Platforms Industry-Wide Working Group, trustee liaison and chair to the Augered Cast-In-Place and Drilled Displacement Pile Committee, and trustee liaison to the Soil Mixing Committee. He is a past president of the Miami-Dade American Society of Civil Engineers branch and the 2023 Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award winner. Meyer has lectured, published, presented or co-presented more than 45 publications or presentations at various conferences, seminars and in journals.

Following are the topics available for the 2024-2025 traveling lecture series:

Geotechnical Challenges and Foundation Solutions for the Mercedes Benz Stadium

A Decade Long Journey of Geotechnical Challenges and Solutions at a Mega Resort in Variable Karst Conditions

Port of Miami Tunnel

Past to Present Day – Foundation Evolution in Miami

Experiences and a Perspective on Forensic Geotechnical Engineering

Learn more about the Traveling Lecturer program, request the Traveling Lecturer to speak at your eventor nominate someone as a future Traveling Lecturer.

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