A new series of events called the Naue Academy took place for the first time this Spring. Numerous participants interested in geotechnical solutions attended the seminar days. The Naue Academy was represented throughout Germany with locations in Leipzig, Hamburg, Cologne and Ulm.
Each of the academy days included several expert lectures on one of these current challenges:
Future-proof infrastructure measures – safe planning and tendering
Stable on soft ground – sustainable and economical
Sustainable use of substitute building materials – safe handling of construction methods and regulations
The topics focused on the new German “Mantelverordnung,”* which will come into force in August of this year. The contents included the safe use of substitute building materials according to the regulations and the legal introduction and commentary from a practical point of view.
Other topics ranged from implementing foundation measures and constructing traffic routes and noise barriers with geogrids to geosynthetic solutions for erosion control and groundwater protection. The advancing digitalization was taken into account by introducing software support for planning, e.g., retention areas and construction measures according to M TS E.
Naue thanks the speakers Prof. Florian Hörtkorn, Dr. Till Elgeti, Dr.-Ing. Felix Jacobs, Dr. Lars Vollmert, Kent von Maubeuge and Jörg Klompmaker for their informative presentations; sales representatives Ralph Werner, Eike Obenhaus, André Krause and Christian Psiorz for their successful moderation; and also to the participants for their interesting questions and contributions to the discussion.
The Naue Academy will continue – international events and in-house seminars for individual companies will also be realized. The Naue team will be happy to answer any questions about the academy.
*Mantelverordnung is the “Regulation on the Introduction of a Substitute Construction Materials Regulation (EBV), on the Revision of the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Regulation (BBodSchV) and on the Amendment of the Landfill Ordinance (DepV) and the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV).”