COMANCO’s superintendents Jeremy Giles and Gerardo Ruiz are making progress on the liner and earthwork for a landfill cell in Arcadia, Fla. The team is currently in the final phase of the north subgrade, using geosynthetic clay liner. They have also begun excavation for the anchor trench and are installing a 60mil liner on the south slope of the cell.

The team has faced some challenges due to high winds that kicked up sand in the dry conditions. However, the team overcame these obstacles using a water truck to control dust.
Because it spans about 10.58 acres, the project is a massive undertaking. Despite its size, the team has completed an impressive amount of work. So far, they have installed 16,185 square feet of geosynthetic clay liner, 463,914 square feet of 60mil liner, and 479,349 square feet of geocomposite.
COMANCO is proud of the team’s progress and is confident in its ability to deliver quality results. The team’s dedication to overcoming obstacles and completing work despite challenging conditions is a testament to their expertise and experience in the field.