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New board of directors, GeoAmericas 2024

IGS-NA | April 1, 2023 | By:

IGS North America (IGS-NA) held its biennial elections in January 2023 and elected, continued or co-opted the next cycle of leadership, which runs February 2023–February 2025.

Here is the new board of directors:

President: Ben Leshchinsky, Ph.D. (Oregon State University)

President-Elect: Kristin Sample-Lord, Ph.D., P.E. (Villanova University)

Past President: John Allen, P.E. (MBCC Group)

Treasurer: Marco Isola, Ph.D., P.E. (WSP)

Secretary: Eric Blond, P.Eng (Eric Blond Consultant)

Vice President—Technical: John Lostumbo, P.E. (Solmax)

Vice President—Communications: Lilma Schimmel, MSCE, P.E. (AECOM) 

Vice President—University Outreach: Fady Abdelaal, Ph.D., P.Eng (Queen’s University–Kingston)

Vice President—Events: Joseph Scalia IV, Ph.D., P.E. (Colorado State University)

The official passing of the board of directors’ leadership gavel took place at a well-attended, in-person general assembly at Geosynthetics Conference 2023 in Kansas City, Mo. The chapter thanks John McCartney, Ph.D., P.E. (University of California–San Diego) and Kate Patterson, P.Eng (Klohn Crippen Berger) for their numerous years of service to the board. And we thank them for continuing to support the chapter through their leadership roles in the upcoming GeoAmericas 2024,

GeoAmericas 2024

IGS North America will host the 5th Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics April 28–May 1, 2024 at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Ont., Canada. Major topics include sustainability, energy, mining and transportation infrastructure.

The event will include the 40th anniversary of the IGS journal Geotextiles & Geomembranes, the 30th anniversary of the IGS Journal Geosynthetics International, the 40th anniversary of ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics, and a “GeoJeopardy” competition for university teams.

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