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Project bundling reference database provides answers to agency questions

News | December 27, 2022 | By:

Do you have questions about project bundling but are unsure where to start? The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has a database of bundling references to assist and possibly accelerate your agencies’ implementation efforts. In it, you can learn from others and can research answers to the most common questions regarding bundling. This database captures important project bundling-related information, the “how, why, and by what means,” to assist agencies and others in the development of bundling programs, initiatives, and individual projects.

This database is divided into five categories:

Case studies highlighting successes and lessons learned for various bundle types

Links to example bundling ‘contracts’

Programs of agencies who successfully utilized bundling



The database is updated regularly as new information is gathered so you can always be up to date.

To learn more about project bundling, contact David Unkefer, FHWA Resource Center.

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