The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI), the Geosynthetics Materials Association (GMA) and Geosynthetics magazine are taking steps to make geosynthetics education and research widely available to the industry. The proceedings from all geosynthetics conferences published by IFAI (except for Geotechnical Frontiers events) are currently available back to 2008 (including the proceedings from GeoAmericas 2008), and those proceedings will soon include papers all the way back to 1982 (the 2nd International Conference on Geotextiles). This means hundreds of published technical papers are available on demand for downloading and printing at no cost. For more information, or to view the proceedings archive, visit
2021 Geosynthetics Virtual Conference educational videos
It is not just technical papers in the archive either. With the switch to virtual this year, all technical sessions at the 2021 Virtual Geosynthetics Conference were recorded and archived. These videos will be added to the proceedings archive for viewing on demand by the end of summer 2021. We will announce when the videos are available for viewing.
Announcing GeoNashville: Geotechnical innovations, renewed connections | Nov. 4–5, 2021
The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) and the Geosynthetics Materials Association (GMA) are answering the need to reconnect face-to-face. GeoNashville is a 1.5-day, all-plenary conference focused on the future of geosynthetics. Program development is currently underway but expected to feature several agencies and spotlight the latest material innovations. Tabletop exhibits are also available. Check out for the latest news on this chance to reconnect.