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Distinctive uses of geosynthetics

Editorial | October 1, 2020 | By:

This issue of Geosynthetics takes a look at bridges, drainage/coal combustion residuals and highways/geosynthetic wall systems. It’s a diverse issue showing the breadth of geosynthetics applications.

Patricia Guerra-Escobar’s “Reinforced embankments for the causeway for a North Wales bridge project” examines the use of geogrids in the replacement of a 160-year-old bridge in the U.K. “CCR landfill final cover test pad—Part 2” by Nina J. Balsamo, John Massey-Norton, John R. Klamut, Terry Queen, Charles F. Straley and Mark R. Lehner is the final installment in a two-part series about a drainage/coal ash landfill test pad in West Virginia. Stanley M. Miller and Drew Loizeaux’s “A geosynthetic wrap-face vegetated wall system” dives deep into an innovative geosynthetic vegetated wall system along a highway embankment in the Pacific Northwest.

The October/November 2020 issue has an unusual Calendar that is a sign of the times with several online conferences, including IFAI Virtual Expo 2020 and the 2021 TRB Annual Meeting—A Virtual Event. The “GMA news” column includes a Chair’s corner by Bryan Gee and GMA happenings by Fred C. Chuck. The issue’s “GSI news” column by George R. Koerner delves into “Testing wind-resistant geosynthetics.” And the “Final inspection” column highlights a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall with polyester geogrids covered with PVC and with a finishing changed from tablets manufactured on-site to shotcrete simulating such tablets.

Production on the Geosynthetics Specifier’s Guide is now beginning. Please note that you can sign up for product listings until November 9. The online form opened September 14 at

Effective geosynthetics’ applications are widely varied, and this issue of Geosynthetics reflects the materials’ distinctive uses.

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