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Register now for GMA fall Lobby Day

GMA News | September 20, 2019 | By:

Registration is now open for the GMA fall Lobby Day, to be held October 28–29, in Washington, D.C.

The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) continues to make significant strides toward increasing the industry’s exposure in Washington, D.C. Many members of Congress are now advocating for our industry, in large part, due to GMA’s lobbying efforts along with the support and involvement of GMA members. It is critical that GMA members continue to inform members of Congress about national issues affecting companies within their districts and states. GMA appreciates the hard work of our members and will continue to be a strong industry advocate.

Attendees meet with members of Congress and their staffs to discuss ways geosynthetics can help with national priorities such as infrastructure, transportation, aviation and the environment. There is no fee for GMA members to attend Lobby Day. A fee of $1,000 is collected from non-GMA members. Please register now to ensure effective scheduling of meetings with your congressional delegation.

For more information or to register, click here.

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