The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will sponsor a webinar, “Applications and Design of Geotextile Tubes,” on June 12, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT. Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) member companies and their employees receive discounted rates on all GSI webinar and short course registrations.
Geotextile tubes are large factory-fabricated textile tubes with multiple access ports for introduction of the infilled material which is generally dredged and in slurry form. Sand or gravel is used for erosion control, whereas soil fines and sludges are used for dewatering and/or decontamination. The tubes themselves have progressed up to 16 feet (5 m) in diameter and the applications have grown accordingly.
After an overview, a nine-part design procedure is presented, which represents the current state-of-the-practice. It then proceeds with details of adding decontamination materials to the slurries for the purpose of properly handling contaminated river and harbor sediments. Several economic examples are presented. The summary will counterpoint the various applications against one another.
Participants will learn the fabric manufacturing details, including testing, as well as design idiosyncrasies of geotextile tubes. The design has indeed progressed to where confidence of success is readily achieved. Current extensions into adding deflocculants to reduce “filter cake” formation and neutralizing hazardous constituents of fine-grained sludges will be explained accordingly.
This webinar will be beneficial to public and private owners/operators of landfills, heap leach mining operations, combustion coal residuals and related solid waste facilities; consultants and designers in the private sector; regulators and agency personnel at the federal, state and local levels; geosynthetic manufacturers; geotechnical and geosynthetic testing organization personnel; contractors and installers of liner and cover systems; academic and research groups; and others desiring technically related information on this important aspect of our constructed infrastructure.
The webinar’s instructor, Dr. Robert M. Koerner, is professor emeritus of civil engineering at Drexel University, and founder and director emeritus of the Geosynthetic Institute.
Webinars cost $200.00 for GSI and GMA members, and $250.00 for nonmembers. Successful completion of a multiple-choice test after the webinar carries 1.5 professional development hours (PDH).
For more information or to register, visit