The Transportation Research Board (TRB) has opened registration for the 2019 TRB Annual Meeting, Jan. 13–17, in Washington, D.C.
More than 13,000 transportation professionals will attend, including policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry and academic institutions.
The program will cover all transportation modes, with more than 5,000 presentations in nearly 800 sessions and workshops, many focusing on the spotlight theme for the 2019 meeting of “Transportation for a Smart, Sustainable, and Equitable Future.”
Annual Meeting registration is required to reserve a guest room in the TRB Hotel Block at the discounted rate of just $181/night (federal per diem), plus applicable taxes.
Register by Nov. 30 to take advantage of the early registration discounts. Also, if you are located in the United States, register for the full meeting, and pay in full by Nov. 30, you will have the option to have your name badge and ticket(s) mailed to you before the meeting, so you won’t have to wait in line when you arrive onsite
For more information about the TRB Annual Meeting, visit the meeting website.