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Dear Dr. Robert,
Kind greetings, i am researching about the geosynthetics grids (geogrids) that are used in Reinforced Segmetal Retaining Walls system; and i came across with a table available in the called “Geogrid Products 2018” in which there is a extensive comparison between different brands and types of geogrids in the market.
In order to filter this extensive (very useful) table to the needs of my research, i need to clarify the following:
With respect to the suggested applications (in the table), which one of the below list does exactly apply for a Mechanically stabilized Retaining wall system (geogrid to be used to reinforce the soil behind the wall)
I am not sure weather i should pick: B, S, Sl or W ? or a combinations of these options?
A/O = Asphalt overlay
B = Base reinforcement
E = Embankments
PR = Pavement reinforcement
S = Slopes
SI = Subgrade improvement
W = Walls
A clarification on the above applications would be a great help for me to proceed on choosing the most appropriate kind of Geogrid.
On another note, i would also appreciate your recommendation on which type of Polymer should i choose for a MSE wall system. Which in your experience is overall the SAFEST and most efficient type to work with, PET or HDPE or PP? and if possible WHY?
In advance, i thank you so much for your time and effort.
Best regards,
Eng. Juhaina
Dear Juhaina,
Please email your questions to the GMA Techline at Dr. Koerner will not see comments on this website.
Good luck.
Todd R. Berger
Senior Editor, Geosynthetics magazine