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EPA releases list of Superfund sites targeted

News | December 11, 2017 | By:

On Dec. 8, 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a list of Superfund sites that EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has targeted for immediate and intense attention. The 21 sites on the list—from across the United States—are in direct response to the Superfund Task Force Recommendations, issued this summer, calling for this list.

“By elevating these sites we are sending a message that EPA is, in fact, restoring its Superfund program to its rightful place at the center of the agency’s mission,” said Pruitt. “Getting toxic land sites cleaned up and revitalized is of the utmost importance to the communities across the country that are affected by these sites. I have charged the Superfund Task Force staff to immediately and intently develop plans for each of these sites to ensure they are thoughtfully addressed with urgency. By getting these sites cleaned up, EPA will continue to focus on ways we can directly improve public health and the environment for people across America.”

In developing this initial list, EPA considered sites that can benefit from Pruitt’s direct engagement and have identifiable actions to protect human health and the environment. These are sites requiring timely resolution of specific issues to expedite cleanup and redevelopment efforts. The list is designed to spur action at sites where opportunities exist to act quickly and comprehensively. Pruitt will receive regular updates on each of these sites.

The list is intended to be dynamic. Sites will move on and off the list as appropriate. At times, there may be more or fewer sites based on where Pruitt’s attention and focus is most needed. There is no commitment of additional funding associated with a site’s inclusion on the list.

EPA remains dedicated to addressing risks at all Superfund sites, not just those on the list. The Task Force Recommendations are aimed at expediting cleanup at all Superfund sites, and Pruitt has set the expectation that there will be a renewed focus on accelerating work and progress at all Superfund sites across the country.

The Superfund Task Force, whose work is ongoing, has five overarching goals:

  • Expediting cleanup and remediation
  • Reinvigorating cleanup and reuse efforts by potentially responsible parties
  • Encouraging private investment to facilitate cleanup and reuse
  • Promoting redevelopment and community revitalization
  • Engaging with partners and stakeholders

The Superfund Task Force will provide the public with regular updates as it makes progress on the Administrator’s Emphasis list and other Task Force activities.

The Superfund Task Force Recommendations include action items to utilize state-of-the-art technologies to expedite cleanup specific actions:

  • Expand the use of real-time investigation technologies and data visualization techniques
  • Determine other available state-of-the-art technologies on at least an annual basis
  • Compile an annual report of new technologies and their applicability

To view the list of Superfund sites, visit

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