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GSI offers webinar on MSE wall, berm and slope construction inspection

News | December 1, 2017 | By:

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will offer a webinar entitled “Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall, Berm and Slope Construction Inspection,” on December 13, 2017, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT.

The inspection (aka monitoring) of MSE wall, berm and slope construction using geosynthetic reinforcement is essential for building a safe and durability system. Such inspection includes three distinct time frames: before, during and after construction. This webinar is focused on the proper state-of-the-practice. Integral to this task is the contractual method, the various organizations involved and the specific inspector’s tasks. The materials involved (soils, geosynthetic facings) will be illustrated as will typical inspection costs.

The webinar will emphasize specific activities before construction (foundation conditions, water regimes, materials conformance testing, meetings and documentation); during construction (leveling pad, drainage, face forming, lift progression and finished soil surface); and after construction (final structure, as-built survey, and periodic future inspections) will be emphasized. The instructor will describe an inspector certification program.

Webinar participants will learn about contractual variations used in the construction of MSE structures with geosynthetic reinforcement. They will also learn about types and conformance testing of materials used in their construction. The major focus, however, is to learn an inspector’s duties and obligations before, during and after construction of the MSE system. These separate stages are amply illustrated by many field photos of correct practice. The implications of a failed MSE structure will be dismissed from the vantage point of remediation costs, negative publicity and loss of confidence in this type of wall, berm and slope system.

The webinar will be beneficial for owners of MSE walls, berms and slopes in both the public and private sectors; federal, state and regional geotechnical, transportation and environmental engineers; engineers from municipal districts and townships; private and municipal land developers; architectural and landscape designers; general civil consulting engineers; testing laboratories servicing these organizations; manufacturers and representatives of geosynthetic materials; contractors and installers of MSE walls, berms and steep soil slopes; academic and research groups; and others desiring technically related information on this important aspect of our constructed infrastructure.

The webinar will be taught by Dr. Robert M. Koerner, professor emeritus of civil engineering at Drexel University and director emeritus of the Geosynthetic Institute.
Webinars cost $200.00 for GSI members and $250.00 for nonmembers. Successful completion of a multiple-choice test after the webinar carries 1.5 professional development units.

For more information or to register, visit

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