The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will offer a webinar on “Geosynthetic Applications in the Private Sector,” on June 28, 2017, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT.
In the past, the geosynthetics industry has focused on the major application areas within transportation, environmental, and hydraulic engineering. Yet, many smaller application areas are also important and noteworthy. Many are in the private sector where regulations and permits do not apply, hence optimizing benefit/cost ratios are paramount. Fourteen such applications are presented in this webinar and are counterpointed against possible geosynthetics solutions. Interestingly, many applications require new design methods and some of them are detailed in this webinar. They are turf reinforcement, erosion control design, support over sinkholes, geocell bearing capacity, and lifetime prediction. The webinar opens up new horizons for geosynthetic applications.
The webinar will be taught by Dr. Robert M. Koerner, professor emeritus of civil engineering at Drexel University and director emeritus of the Geosynthetic Institute.
Webinars cost $200.00 for GSI members and $250.00 for nonmembers. Successful completion of a multiple-choice test after the webinar carries 1.5 professional development units.
For more information or to register, visit