The mission of the North American Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS–NA) is to provide leadership in advancing geosynthetics education and research to attain their appropriate and widespread use as engineering materials. As the learned society for geosynthetics in North America, our members are engineers, educators, manufacturers, regulators, and researchers, collectively dedicated to creating opportunities for sharing new knowledge and developing a better understanding of geosynthetics.
The Board of Directors for 2017–2019 is:
- President Elect—John McCartney, University of California, San Diego
- Treasurer—Ranjiv Gupta, Geosyntec Consultants, Phoenix
- Vice President—Stan Boyle, Shannon & Wilson, Seattle
- Vice President—John Allen, CETCO Environmental Products
- Vice President—Bruno Herlin, Terrafix Geosynthetics
- Vice President—Tim Stark, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
- Liaison Member—Jonathan Curry, Geosynthetic Materials Association
- Past President—John Henderson, TenCate Geosynthetics
On behalf of all members, we thank outgoing board officers: vice presidents Mike Bernardi, Gabriela Mariscal, and Dhani Narejo; and past president, Bob Mackey, for their many valuable contributions to IGA–NA.
Left to right (TOP) McCartney, Gupta, Boyle, Allen (BOTTOM) Herlin, Stark, Curry, Henderson