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11ICG call for proposals

News | November 17, 2016 | By:

The 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics (11ICG), which will be held in Seoul, Korea, Sept. 16–21, 2018, will provide all participants a platform for a meaningful academic, professional, social, and cultural experiences.

Under the theme “Geosynthetics: Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development,” the 11ICG will cover diverse disciplines of geosynthetics from fundamentals to applications. Considering the diverse range of interests and applications, the organizers have chosen not to limit the scope of the conference to just the theme; rather, the event will facilitate learning and dialogue on the key issues faced by geosynthetics communities throughout the world.

The 11ICG Organizing Committee welcomes proposals for technical sessions, short courses, and training lectures.

The deadline for submission of proposals is Dec. 30, 2016.

Please complete the proposal form and send it to the 11ICG conference secretariat by email:(
Session Proposal Form

Call for technical session proposals

The 11ICG also announces this opportunity to submit proposals for technical sessions:

  • Formats such as paper-based sessions, panel discussions, forums, or any other creative session ideas are welcome.
  • Proposals should identify a clear topic, session description, and session organizer(s).
  • Session organizer(s) will be responsible for attracting papers (as well as speakers or panelists) on a session theme and for completing the review of papers.
  • Accepted proposals will be announced on March 31, 2017.

Call for short course proposals

The 11ICG is committed to providing continuing education opportunities with a strong emphasis on short courses:

  • Short courses presenting introductory geosynthetics information as well as practical curriculum involving geosynthetic applications and specifications are encouraged.
  • Full-day or half-day short courses are recommended. 

Call for training lecture proposals

During the 11ICG, parallel training lectures devoted to specific topics in geosynthetics and their applications will be provided.

  • Training lectures will be 1.5 hours and independent of short courses.
  • Training lectures are for attendees to improve their knowledge on a specific topic and will complement technical sessions.
  • Training lectures should have one or two speakers and should provide handout materials.


English is the official language of the technical sessions.

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