The first-ever GeoCharlotte one-day session drew engineers and exhibitors to Charlotte for a day of geosynthetics education and networking. The show-within-a-show also previewed the March 12–15, 2017, Geotechnical Frontiers conference, co-organized by IFAI and its Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA); and the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The GeoCharlotte agenda included three half-day short courses, lunch and networking with exhibitors, and an afternoon featuring three training lectures and a panel discussion.
GeoCharlotte 2016
October 20, 2016 | Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, N.C.
Three Concurrent Short Courses
Business and Ethics Insights for Engineers
This four-hour session included four presentations focused on the business and ethical aspects of being an engineer.
Ethics and Safety for Engineers
Presented by the Geoprofessional Business Association
D.GE Certification: What is it? Why is it important?
Presented by Ray E. Martin, Ph.D, P.E. D.GE, F.ASCE, Academy of Geo-Professionals
Think Like an Entrepreneur: How to Effectively Manage Your Career or Company to Maxmize Success
Presented by Rick De La Guardia, DLG Engineering

Geosynthetics in Drainage and Filtration Applications: Design Principles and Practices
Instructor: Barry R. Christopher, Ph.D., P.E.

Knowledge for Better Design of Geosynthetic Reinforced MSE Structures
Instructor: Michael Simac, Earth Improvement Technologies
Training Lectures
Geotextile Encased Columns, A Foundation System for Embankments on Very Soft Soil
Lilma Schimmel, MSCE, P.E., Engineering Department Head, Huesker Inc.
Anchor Reinforced Vegetation Systems (ARVS) for Shallow Plane Slope Stabilization
Drew Loizeaux, Engineering Specialist, Propex Operating Co. LLC
Proven Geosynthetic Closure Solutions for CCR, MSW, Mining and Hazardous Waste Impoundments / Landfills
Chris Eichelberger, Vice President , Technical Marketing, Agru America
Panel Discussion—Pavement Interlayers: Benefits and Best Practices
Jeff Rasche, TenCate
Nicholas Reck, Tensar
Nilesh Surti, NCDOT
Tripp Bishop, American Paving Fabrics
Bill Leahy, National Highway Maintenance Systems
Panel Advisors:
Mike Samueloff, Huesker Inc.
Mark Marienfeld, Propex