Flammability? Zip ties? MARV? Ponds? GT specs?
Questions and answers from the GMA Techline.
We had a problem at one of the construction projects where we were providing CQA. It turned out that the installer had two different types (and apparently strengths) of zip ties. There ended up being seam failures in some of the seams that used lower-strength ties, which made us wonder whether there was any specification or strength requirement for zip ties, ASTM test method for testing them, etc.
Gena | Canada
I am quite sure that there are no papers on the topic of electrical ties for geonets and/or geogrids. I know from Home Depot et al., that there are differences, but an effort to sort things out has not been done.
I guess that it’s high time to get involved; all we need is some time and an available technician.
Bob Koerner | GMA Techline