From the GMA Techline
I participated in the Bologna Symposium and I [was] very happy and honored to see you live.
I read a [GMA Techline] answer published in Geosynthetics magazine (Oct./Nov. 2009, p. 58), “Geogrid use behind rigid concrete retaining walls.” You refer to the Japanese railroad system guideline to verify a more in-depth technical aspect, right?
Could you give some more information or a suggestion regarding what [current] manual I could read or study to know more in-depth about this item?
(Massimiliano | Italy)
Reply: Thanks for your greetings and best regards to you as well.
I believe you are referring to the Japanese railroad method of creating a wraparound geotextile or geogrid wall and then letting it settle (perhaps with a preload) before constructing the concrete facing. This facing is indeed reinforced concrete about 500–1,000mm thick and is anchored back into the wraparound wall with steel rods.
Look up several papers by Professor Fumio Tatsuoka (or contact him directly). He has great experience in this type of system.